Black In Minneapolis

We are joined by Independent Journalist Ralph L. Crowder III, creator of “CONTROVERSY” An un-gentrified view of Prince’s death and the city of Minneapolis.

We talk about some of the racial politics of Minneapolis, how some African Americans in the city viewed an early Prince and the incredible impact and influence Bernadette Anderson had on the community. Plus MUCH more!

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  • Great comments especially regarding the state of the Estate of Prince. Please remember also that “Culture Vultures” and “Legacy Pirates” come in all shades, So while I understand the comments about the white intent please remember that suspect activity in this story has all shades. Very correct that the Graceland existence was a deal set in motion by the very advisors who’s actions are now under review.
    His business moves were very intentional. He understood his value not only as Prince the artist to the music and recording industry, but also his value as Prince the Black man as a voice of change for his people and creative artists everywhere.

  • Excellent podcast. I too do not like the fact that Graceland folks are running Paisley Park. I understand the need to have an organization with experience do it on short notice since the park was opened so early. However, I just hope there is a clause in the agreement for when the family will automatically officially take over the park and run it. It makes no sense to me to have Elvis’ people running Prince’s estate. Also, after all the books I have read on Prince, this is the first time that we get this perspective of what Prince had to deal with. Prince was a black man and had to deal with racial issues that none of the books capture because the authors are not black. We cannot truly understand the whole of Prince until we know that part as well. The example about Prince’s club is so helpful because I have always wondered about the circumstances for his opening the club and what he may have had to deal with while it was open. In addition, I would love to know if Prince’s music was blackballed. Why is it his music was not played on the radio more often? We need a book on Prince from the black perspective of what he had to deal with as an black artist achieving the heights he did. Thanks for this great podcast.