The Prince Podcast – HitNRun Album Review

HitNRunReviewTrack for track review of the new Prince album HitNRun Phase One.


  • I’ve noticed that all your most recent episodes aren’t appearing in my subscription feed on my iPhone anymore – any idea why? Looking forward to listening to this tomorrow morning.

  • I’m about halfway through the podcast but thought I’d say thanks to you MD and your distinguished panel of guests! Shout out to Day Droppin for the exceedingly thoughtful insight. I always come away with more than I came with, after having listened to your detailed review(s)! Peace and Love2tha9s –

  • Good to find this podcast still going.. It’s been several years since I heard you guys. Brings back good memories from the freedom train days. Sadly, I have to say I come back for what to me is one of the worst Prince records ever! Dang! I’m like Ken when he said he had a hard time listening and/or sitting thru this album. Personally I can’t. I’m embarrassed to play this record to where folks could see me listening to it.. It’s a joke to say this new record is “experimental” when as mentioned it sounds like the same old stuff that’s out now. Joshua’s production is over-produced. I’m still waiting for Prince to actually do what he champions all the time “real music played by real musicians.” I would give anything for Prince to have a production ala D’Angelo, Van Hunt… That to me WOULD be different in today’s environment musically and hopefully lyrically as well. Anyway, tracks I liked on this record are 1000 X’s, June and though it’s hard to count this song because it was on the last record, I like This Could Be Us. Overall, I’m on some “Sean” as Michael Dean said except for that double entendre stuff I agree with him 1000%.. This record is weak