The Prince Podcast – Susan Rogers Interview

On this episode, we are joined by Professor Susan Rogers! This is a Masterclass Prince Interview. Course prerequisites: A love for purple music.

Topics discussed:

The Morris Day persona, Jesse Johnson, Studio setups, The Dream Factory, Adonis and Bathsheba, Michael Jackson, Wally and much more!

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  • I have so enjoyed this interview. i love hearing the eyewitness accounts and Susan’s take on situations we’ve only heard about. i agree with you, michael, that his unreleased tapes should not be ‘finished.’ I don’t believe susan knows what prince prince’s final ailment was, which is fine, it should matter and it doesn’t. she was kind of talking about stuff that’s been in the media, which is straw grasping. prince had his operation in 2010 and the pain med addiction was a recent event due to terminal illness (according to his sister). that aside, i don’t agree that prince was not as funky as james or sly. sly was a funky pop artist who could have had a great career but drugs kept him from showing up to gigs…we never knew if he was going to be there…lol! luckily we saw his band on tv. much like tupac, his great words did not equal the ability to follow through. in any case larry drove the funk of sly and prince had larry. maceo and bobby byrd drove the jt’s and prince had maceo. prince was the funkiest brother on 2 legs. james was good, but you didn’t always understand what he was saying, but he was really something when he came on the scene in the 60’s. i saw him in the 80’s and he was so high he didn’t know where he was (Beverly theatre, l.a.). we were so disappointed, to say nothing of his personal life as a batterer. prince wasn’t perfect, but he was an artist…a real artist. sly started out as one, james was a businessman. lastly, susan may have not realized it but ‘adore’ became the ‘black national anthem of love’ and i’m surprised you didn’t tell her that. thanks for keeping the purple flame alive.

  • Great interview Mike!!! Listening to all the things Susan witnessed and knew about, I really respect that when you asked her things that she didn’t know the answers to, she said she didn’t know as opposed to saying just anything. Again, great interview.

  • njoyed this here..

    Susan seems very kind, warm hearted, & so down to earth..

    When I make it big, not if, I want to hire her as my engineer..she is cool & smart.

    Would love to see those rehearsal & concert tapes, etc….mannnn..

    Also the colored, uncut version of “Under The Cherry Moon” with outtakes, “The Second Coming”, & the uncut version of “Purple Rain” with outtakes…